Applications to join the third phase of the Myanmar Media Program (MMP), a unique business development program for independent Myanmar media organizations, are open now.
Running from July 2024 to December 2026, the third phase of MMP, which began work in 2019, is designed to increase the prospects for sustainability of independent media outlets by improving their business and management capacity. MMP is aimed at expanding the ability of participating media to provide audiences with reliable news and information and contribute to the development of a strong and financially sustainable independent media sector in Myanmar.
Funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and with specialist technical assistance and coaching provided by senior Southeast Asian media executives, the program is practical in approach and designed to provide participants with tools and skills to implement growth strategies.
To be eligible for selection, participating media companies (for profit or not-for-profit) should be:
- Committed to providing credible, independent news, information or public interest debate.
- Independent from the government and any other political or economic interest groups.
- Supportive of democratic practices and institutions, political pluralism, transparency, human rights, including the rights of women and minorities, and inter-ethnic coexistence.
- Legally registered, except in extraordinary circumstances.
- In regular operation for at least one year and demonstrating a record of quality journalism and reporting. In compelling circumstances this requirement may be waived.
- Committed to developing a path to financial sustainability.
- Willing to commit sufficient time to work with coaches/mentors and carry out assigned tasks.
- Able to provide an organizational chart.
- Able to provide timely monthly cash flow/income statements throughout the program.
Selection procedure
Media that meet the above criteria and wish to be considered for participation in the program are requested to complete the application form before 1 February 2025. Please note that responses from the MMP team may take several weeks.
Also note that only two places are available, so not all applications will be successful even if they fulfill all criteria.
Although the application form is in English, you may submit your answers in Burmese.
If you have any question regarding the application, please contact Myanmar Media Program Director Grace Thu, [email protected]
To join the program, apply here.