MDIF and AIRPU launch Ukraine Innovative Media Program

MDIF and AIRPU launch Ukraine Innovative Media Program

MDIF and the Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPU) have launched the Ukraine Innovative Media Program to help independent media organizations in Ukraine on their journey towards attaining financial sustainability.

Under the program, up to five media companies will receive targeted grants of up to €10,000, along with access to subject experts who will help them to build new revenue streams and develop new audiences.

The following five organizations from different regions of Ukraine will make up for the first cohort of the Ukraine Innovative Media Program:

Hryvna: Originally from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson and currently functioning out of multiple locations in Ukraine and Europe, Hryvna publishes multiple newspapers and a local news website.

Kremenchutskyi Telegraph: Launched in 1988, the company publishes several print editions led by its flagship weekly newspaper, the Kremenchutskyi Telegraph, and its website

Kolo: Launched in 2003, The Kolo.News is based in Poltava, a city in the south-east of Ukraine, where they run the Kolo.News website.

Odes’ke Zhyttia (Odesa Life): Founded in 2007, this is a regional newspaper and news website that is the largest media group in the Odesa region.

Molodyi Bukovynets: Based out of Chernivtsi in the west of Ukraine, Molodyi Bukovynets is a local news outlet that publishes two weekly newspapers and maintains the news website.

Over the next 11 months, with assistance from subject experts, participating media will be supported to create engaging content on YouTube and TikTok, effectively monetize social networks and develop their advertising departments.

The Ukraine Innovative Media Program aims to broaden the horizons of Ukrainian journalism and help media adapt to market realities in times of an ongoing war.