MAS releases guide to data journalism and case studies on paywall implementation

MDIF’s technical assistance hub, Media Advisory Services, has released two new publications: a guide to data journalism and case studies on paywall implementation.

Best Practices for Data Journalism is the third guidebook in the MAS series of practical guides for media managers and Case studies on paywall implementation provides concrete examples to support Guide #2 – Launching a paywall: What you and your team need to know. The first guide in the series, published in December 2017, was Guide #1: Product Management for Media Managers).

The purpose of the series of guides is to help media decision-makers better understand some of the key topics in digital news provision, and give them practical support in adopting concepts that will improve their operations and streamline how their companies work.

Best Practices for Data Journalism explains how data journalism complements traditional journalism and enhances what journalists have been doing for centuries, and describes how it can be used to engage audiences in more innovative and personalized storytelling approaches. It explains how data journalism can be used to help newsrooms source stories they wouldn’t find through traditional reporting, identify important stories hidden in data and provide evidence to verify claims.

Case Studies on Paywall Implementation provides insight into the practical challenges, benefits and solutions involved in introducing a paywall. The studies examine the experiences of Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s iconic independent daily, and Malaysiakini, Malaysia’s leading political news website.